Wednesday, December 17, 2008

BUSINESS TIPS: Financing software purchases with a loan

Embarking on a software project, whether with "out the box" solutions, bespoke software development or a website development can be an expensive outlay if you want to get it right. Not only in terms of your time investigating the possible solutions, implementing the solution and training staff, but also financially with software licensing and bringing in outside consultants.

Hilltops IT can help, not only with fast-tracking the decision making process on what software solution is right for your business, getting it set up and training your staff, but also now with financing the solution.

Securing a bank loan for a software solution so that the project can be paid off in stages can be difficult. With software licenses and training / consultancy being intangible items, banks are typically less keen to authorise a loan.

Give us a ring now 0844 357 7360 or 01782 564252 or email to request a call for an informal chat about how we can help.