Please find below a couple of formulae you could add as page footers to your QuoteWerks management reports to give them an added bit of professionalism...
Just open your QuoteWerks document layout, click the formula button, give the formula a name (i.e. "PAGE_X_OF_Y"), click OK and copy/paste the formula in.
"Page "+text(sys->page)+" of "+text(sys->page_count)
"Report Produced: "+text(day(sys->date))+"/"+text(month(sys->date))+"/"+first(text(year(sys->date)),2)+last(text(year(sys->date)),3)+" "+text(sys->time)PRODUCED_BY:"Report Produced By: "+application->loggedinusername+" - "+application->loggedinuseremail
For further assistance with QuoteWerks document and report layout authoring, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on 0844 357 7360 or 01782 721301 or email as well as having a host of report layout examples that we have developed over the years, we offer very competitive hourly rates for building layouts and reports specific to your business's requirements.
We look forward to hearing from you!