Friday, April 3, 2009

CONNECTIT: ConnectIT-Workflow v1.0.0 released

Product Overview
ConnectIT-Workflow manages entries on a QuoteWerks document to ensure that the QuoteWerks user has entered all the required information at each step of document creation (Quote, Order and Invoice).

ConnectIT-Workflow validates that the QuoteWerks user has entered required values into particular fields before the user is allowed to print, save, convert or email a document.

When an error is detected, then depending on the level of that error, the user is either prompted and asked to correct the problem before they are allowed to continue, or they are just warned about the problem(s).

Key Benefits
  • Quick to install and easy to configure to the fields you use which means your company’s quoting and sales order processing functions become instantly more accurate and more productive.
  • Ensures that your customers and suppliers get complete and consistent information on the documents you send them thus improving your business relationships with them by avoiding time wasted checking, correcting and resending documents.
  • Maintains integrity of input to maximise the power and accuracy of QuoteWerks reporting which means more informed business decision making.

Key Features
  • When an error is detected, then depending on the level of that error, the user is either prompted and asked to correct the problem before they are allowed to continue, or they are just warned about the problem(s).
  • Validates fields based on the particular document type and document status.
  • Contains many different rule expressions – that a field is not blank, that a fields value is in a particular range, that a fields value is one of a particular list of options, etc.
  • Contains many different rule targets – Document Header fields, Document Item fields, first Document Item row, all Optional Document Item rows, etc.

ConnectIT-Workflow pricing is very cost-effective and is currently being sold with free installation and configuration - get your copy and start taking advantage of ConnectIT-Workflow's cost and time saving benefits now!