Wednesday, April 22, 2009

DEVELOPMENT: Google launches API for Google Analytics

Google has announced the release of an API for Google Analytics. This means developers will be more tightly integrate information into users back office, web and mobile applications.

Announcement Headline: A Google Analytics API has long been one of our most widely anticipated features. Today we're pleased to announce that the Google Analytics Data Export API beta is now publicly available to all Analytics users!

What's so exciting about an API? The API will allow developers to extend Google Analytics in new and creative ways that benefit developers, organizations and end users. Large organizations and agencies now have a standardized platform for integrating Analytics data with their own business data. Developers can integrate Google Analytics into their existing products and create standalone applications that they sell. Users could see snapshots of their Analytics data in developer created dashboards and gadgets. Individuals and business owners will have opportunities to access their Google Analytics information in a variety of new ways.

For the full announcement, please see the Google Analytics Blog post.

For more information on Hilltops IT's software development services and to speak with one of our development team about the possibilities for integrating Google Analytics information into your business support systems, please contact us by phone on +44(0) 1782 564252 or by email: