Friday, January 30, 2009

BLOG: Hilltops IT launch new website

For anyone that knows us or reads the blog regularly, you'll know this has been a while coming and now it's here! The "new and improved" Hilltops IT website. It has taken a little longer than expected, but that's only due to our commitment to putting our customers first and satisfying their requirements and timescales before our own internal projects.

Now that it is here, the new website represents our company much better. The old one was "ok", but having simply "evolved" over three years, we have to admit that it was getting a bit confusing.

Reflecting, taking a step back, and looking at our company in relation to how we present ourselves on the web and redesigning the logo has been a refreshing experience. The new website focuses much better on the products and services we focus on to give it a cleaner presentation. Having brought more experienced website design and development skills into the business and working alongside them, sharing ideas, we have produced a website which is much more visual and easier to navigate than the previous one.

See the new website for yourself here:

If you'd like more information on our experiences of re-branding our company or for further information on our website design and development services, please do not hesitate to contact us on +44(0) 844 357 7360 or +44(0) 1782 564252 or email